Who we are?
LordsMed is a division of Lords Mark Industries Ltd having area of business verticals in Diagnostics and Pharmaceuticals.
LordsMeds under Diagnostic Division has more than 50 registered brands including ICMR approved antigen kit.
We aim to move towards good health and well being for all, keeping sustainable development goal(SDG)-3 of UN in mind.
To achieve recognition as one of the fastest-growing conglomerates, driven by our unique offerings, innovative approach, and unwavering trust.
Establish a globally recognized brand across diverse industries by creating sustainable businesses that deliver value to all stakeholders and partners.
Seize Opportunities. Foster Growth Mindset. Execute with Agility. Champion Innovation and Collaboration.
Our Leadership believes in Action and not Position!

Mr. Sachidanand Upadhyay
- MBA in Marketing and Finance by qualification.
- More than 2 decades of diversified industry experience.
- Grew Lords group from initial days to 200 cr+ journey.
- Relationship focused approach towards business.

MR. Manav teli
- B com with economics and marketing.
- Entrepreneur and Innovator.
- 30+years experience in leading a business and entrepreneurial ventures.
- Business strategist and innovative administrator.

- MBA, LLB, Bcom by qualification.
- More than 30 years of diversified industry experience.
- Grew Lords group from initial days to 200 cr+ journey.
- Master in operations management and purchase.

Mr.Vinay Sarda
He started his career in the paper industry in 2001, more than two decades ago, and started a manufacturing unit named “Universal Paper Products” for all packaging and paper-related solutions from 2013 to 2021.
He has been providing valuable insights on financial Planning & Marketing Strategy at the board level since 2015, for various Divisions.
Our Certification

Our Clients